Picture of North Park 神学院 Cupola in 芝加哥


The David Nyvall Lectureship was inaugurated in 1951 in memory of the pioneer Swedish American educator who served the school both as teacher and president. The theme of this spring lecture series is the interpretation of the Christian message for the contemporary world.

The 2020 Nyvall Lectures have been canceled.

Please plan to join us next year as we will welcome Dr. Cláudio Carvalhaes as our lecturer.



9:00 am   一个讲座
10:45 am   两个讲座



Cláudio Carvalhaes is a former shoe shining boy from San Paulo, Brazil. 一个神学家, 礼拜仪式的权威, 艺术家, 和活动家, he is the Associate Professor of Worship at Union Theological 神学院 in New York City. 的作者 From the Ends of the World: Prayers in Defiance of Empire (Abingdon Press, August 2020); What Worship Has to Do with It? Interpreting Life Liturgically (Cascade 2018); Editor of 只有一个是神圣的:立土后殖民镜头中的能量 (Palgrave, 2015)和 Eucharist and Globalization. Redrawing the Borders of Eucharistic Hospitality (Wipf and Stock, 2013). 他正在写一本新书。 #Plantgate Confessing To Plants And Other Absurdities At The End Of The World. Claudio is married to Katie and father of three children.


  • 2019: Elizabeth Conde Frazier, 博士学位, Coordinator of Relations for Theological Entities at the Association of Hispanic Theological Education
  • 2018年:苏珊娜·埃尔姆, 菲尔博士,西德尼·H. Ehrman professor of European 历史 at the University of 加州, Berkeley
  • 2017年:阿莫斯·杨 博士学位, professor of 神学 and mission and director of the Center for Missiological Research at Fuller Theological 神学院 in Pasadena, 加州
  • 2016: Kelly Brown Douglas, 博士学位, professor of religion at Goucher University and author of Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God. 
  • 2015: Jennifer Graber, 博士学位, associate professor of religious studies at University of Texas at Austin and author of The Furnace of Affliction: Prisons and Religion in Antebellum America
  • 2014: Fr. Virgilio P. 艾利赞多, professor of pastoral and Hispanic 神学 at the University of Notre Dame, author of 未来是混血儿, 伽利略的旅程, 人类的探索
  • 2013年:斯科特·埃里克森, Nyvall at 150: The Founding President’s Enduring Impact at North Park
  • 2012: Ellen T. 炭的博士, professor of systematic 神学 at Princeton Theological 神学院 and author of God and the Art of Happiness
  • 2011年:米罗斯拉夫·沃尔夫——亨利·B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology at Yale Divinity School and author of numerous books including 排斥与接纳 (1996), Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace (2006)和 Allah: A Christian Response (2011)