Picture of North Park 神学院 Cupola in 芝加哥


This lectureship was established in 1985 by the family of the late 牧师. A. 埃尔Palmquist, Covenant pastor 和 conference superintendent, 在表彰他的活泼, grace-filled说教, 对教育的兴趣, 和 loyalty 和 devotion to the cause of Christ. The first lectureship was presented in 1987.

2020 Palmquist讲座

牧师. Dr. 弗兰克一个. 托马斯。

晚上6:30 - 9:00

This event is free 和 open to the public.



6:30pm     讲座一: 400 Years of African American Preaching: What Do These Words Mean? This lecture will explore four hundred year legacy of the genius, 权力, 深度, 和 beauty of African American Preaching that has sustained African American people 和 made a significant contribution not only to African Americans but also to America 和 the world.
7:30pm     打破
8:00pm    讲座二: A Requiem – “I’m Happy Tonight: Four Qualities of Moral Imagination of Martin Luther King, Jr.” This lecture will explore Martin Luther King Jr.’s “moral imagination” contained in his last sermon, “我去过山顶,” delivered one night before his death, 4月3日, 1968, 在孟菲斯, 田纳西州.


牧师. Dr. 弗兰克一个. 托马斯。

牧师. Dr. 弗兰克一个. 托马斯。
牧师. Dr. 弗兰克一个. 托马斯。

Dr. 托马斯。 currently serves as the Nettie Sweeney 和 Hugh Th. Miller Professor of Homiletics at Christian Theological 神学院, Indianapolis, Indiana.  多年来, 托马斯。 has also taught preaching to Doctoral 和 Masters level students at McCormick Theological 神学院 in 芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州, 和 at Memphis Theological 神学院 在孟菲斯, 田纳西州. He is the CEO of Hope For Life International, Inc. With a long 历史 of excellence in preaching 和 preaching method, 托马斯。 was inducted into the prestigious Martin Luther King Jr. Board of Preachers of Morehouse College in April 2003. Recently 托马斯。 became the director of the very first PhD program in African American Preaching 和 Sacred Rhetoric at Christian Theological 神学院.

托马斯。’ latest book release from Abingdon Press is How to Preach a Dangerous Sermon, January 2018. He is the author of Introduction to the Practice of African American Preaching by Abingdon Press, November 2016; American Dream 2.0: A Christian Way Out of the Great Recession, Abingdon Press, August 2012. He also co-edited Preaching With Sacred Fire: An Anthology of African American Sermons, 1750 to the Present with Martha Simmons, 由W出版. W. 诺顿 & 2010年公司概况. 托马斯的书, The Choice: Living Your Passion Inside Out, published by Hope For Life International Press October 2013. 点击这里查看牧师. Dr. 托马斯的完整履历.


  • 2019: Dr. 格洛丽亚White-Hammond & Dr. 雷·哈蒙德, co-pastors of Bethel AME Church, Boston, MA. Their lectures can be viewed online 在这里.
  • 2012: Dr. Gennifer B. 布鲁克斯, director of the Styberg Preaching Institute at Garrett-Evangelical Theological 神学院
  • 2014: Dr. 南希·拉默斯·格罗斯, Arthur Sarell Rudd Associate Professor of Speech Communication in Ministry at Princeton Theological 神学院. 看 第一部分第二部分 of the 2014 Palmquist Lectures online at covchurch.tv.