

菲利普J. 安德森


Dr. Phil 安德森 began teaching at North Park in 1979 after earning his doctor of philosophy degree at 英格兰’s Oxford University, 专注于英国清教主义. 他在明尼苏达大学获得学士学位, 他在伯特利神学院获得硕士学位,在普林斯顿神学院获得硕士学位. He is ordained by the 福音圣约教会 和 teaches the 神学院’s core courses on Covenant 历史 和 神学. 安德森发表了大量文章, 作为编辑和作者, 包括福音派圣约教会西北会议的历史, 关于瑞典裔美国人在芝加哥的生活和瑞典裔美国人在这两座孪生城市的生活, 选C. 约翰·韦伯格,H.A. 巴顿和泽诺斯·霍金森.



Dr. 1995年至2012年,罗伯特·哈伯德在北公园神学院任教, 退休后继续教授旧约课程. He previously taught at at Denver 神学院 from 1976–1995 和 served as an active duty chaplain in the U.S. 当过四年海军,在美国当过牧师.S. 从1974年到2000年.

他是《 路得记:旧约的新国际评论 (Eerdmans, 1988) 今日基督教 1989年评论家选择奖最佳评论奖. He is also author 和 co-author of numerous other books 和 serves as general editor of several commentary series. Fluent in Spanish, he is liaison to the Hispanic Summer Program, of which North Park is a member. 他是由美国福音自由教会任命的,他和他的妻子, 帕姆, 是恩典圣约教会的成员吗.



毕业于北园神学院. 保罗Koptak received his PhD in 基督教的《澳门网络赌博游戏》 和 Rhetoric studies from Northwestern University. He returned to the seminary in 1993 as the Paul 和 Bernice Br和el Professor of Communication 和 Biblical Interpretation, 讲道教学课程, 基督教的《澳门网络赌博游戏》, 精神的形成. He also advised students in the Doctor of Ministry in 说教 program of the Association of 芝加哥 的ological Schools. Dr. Koptak is ordained by the 福音圣约教会 和 was editor of 的 Covenant Quarterly. 除了在当地教会教导和讲道之外, 他是神学院旧时乡村福音乐队的一员,带领礼拜活动, 《孤独神学家. 他的著作包括 NIV应用评论:谚语 还有关于互文性的文章 圣经神学解释词典旧约词典:智慧,诗歌和著作.



Dr. 卡罗尔·诺尔 came to 北公园神学院 to equip women 和 men for preaching 和 leading 敬拜. Dr. Norén serves on the United Methodist Commission on Archives 和 History in northern 伊利诺斯州, 并协助以前的瑞典语教会翻译档案材料. 在来北公园之前. Norén taught at Duke University Divinity School 和 was a part-time instructor at Princeton 的ological 神学院. 她是墨尔本奥蒙德学院的客座教授, Australia; Stockholm School of 的ology in Sweden; 和 Iliff School of 的ology in Denver, 科罗拉多州. Dr. Norén previously served as associate pastor at Salem United Methodist Church in Barrington, 伊利诺斯州, 在曼彻斯特的两个卫理公会教堂担任牧师, 英格兰. 她出版的作品主要集中在崇拜和讲道,包括 在危机和悲伤的时刻,讲坛上的女人, 主日早晨发生的事:平信徒敬拜指南. 她也是《。》杂志的前特约编辑 部长手册的编辑委员会成员 说教 杂志.



Dr. Klyne史诺德 served as a faculty member for 41 years (1974-2015) at 北公园神学院 after receiving his PhD from the University of St Andrews. 他的任期包括担任保罗. 布兰德尔新约研究教授, he is recognized as a leading scholar for his work on New Testament parables which was compiled in the comprehensive book 有意图的故事. He has also been an influential voice within the 福音圣约教会 和 broader ecclesial world for women in ministry, has authored several articles on the topic including his paper “A Case for the Unrestricted Ministry of Women.他的其他出版物包括 NIV应用评论以弗所书 他即将出版的书 上帝说你是谁. Alongside of his role as a full-time professor, he served as the Dean of 教师 from 1988-1993. 退休后,他仍与神学院保持联系,并继续任教.



诺玛·萨顿 served as the 神学院 librarian 和 professor of theological bibliography from 1979 to 2012. 她的遗产包括塑造神学和圣经的收藏, 并教授精神培育课程. 她也是祈祷和生命在精神课程的主要协调员, which has brought together seminarians from across 芝加哥l和 to study 和 learn together.

萨顿教授拥有埃默里大学图书馆学硕士学位, 巴黎圣母院的神学硕士学位, 联合门诺圣经神学院的硕士学位, 以及Goshen学院的护理学学士学位.

C. 约翰。Weborg


Dr. C. 约翰。Weborg developed the spiritual formation 和 spiritual direction programs at 北公园神学院 during his tenure as full-time professor of 神学 (1975 to 2003) 和 in the years following his formal retirement. 直到2011年,他一直定期授课, 并积极参与神学院的生活及属灵发展活动. 除了他对灵性的兴趣, 他还广泛地在敬虔主义领域进行教学, 敬拜, liturgy; pastoral issues in healthcare; 和 systematic 神学.

2010年,北公园的精神指导项目以韦伯格的名字命名. 的 C. 约翰·韦伯格精神指导中心 continues to train women 和 men in the practice 和 ministry of spiritual direction in the Christian tradition.



In 1975, 弗朗西丝·安德森 became the first full-time female faculty member at the seminary as the Assistant Professor of Christian Education. 原本学习成为一名护士是为了做传教工作, 她在北园学习期间对基督教教育领域产生了兴趣. 在北园神学院任教之前, she served as the Director of Children’s Work with the ECC (1957-67) 和 as the Minister of Christian Education at First Covenant Church in St. 保罗,MN (1967-75). 在北公园教书的时候, 她在加勒特福音神学院获得基督教教育博士学位. 相信“基督教教育是牧养事工”,她试图帮助她的学生成为教会的教育家和神学家. 她的遗产继续在ECC的制造和深化门徒部门.



圣约牧师, Frederick Holmgren began teaching at 北公园神学院 in 1960 as Professor of Biblical Literature after serving churches in New York 和 Michigan. Graduating first from 北公园神学院, he later received his Master’s degree 和 Th.D. 来自联合神学院. 旧约学者研究旧约的学者, he became very passionate about Jewish-Christians relations after also studying in Germany. He was a visiting scholar at Hebrew Union College Institute of Religion in Cincinnati while working on his book 关心的上帝:一个基督徒看犹太教. 他的其他作品包括 翅膀如鹰:以赛亚书40-55章.



埃弗雷特·杰克逊作为神的教会的牧师开始了他的牧师生涯. He served two congregations in 伊利诺斯州 for a total of 14 years before becoming a faculty member at North 伊利诺斯州 University. Originally receiving a master’s degree in Continuing 和 Adult Education from Northern 伊利诺斯州 University, 他接着获得了文学硕士学位.从加勒特福音神学院毕业,并获得博士学位. 来自芝加哥神学院的Min.

韦恩·C. 焊接


Wayne 焊接 served in numerous roles throughout his ministry 和 teaching career with the 福音圣约教会. He received two degrees from Fuller 的ological 神学院: a Master’s degree in Missions 和 a Doctor of Missiology. 他曾在哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔担任传教士, 也是麦德林联合圣经神学院的教授和学术院长, 哥伦比亚. 1975年,他开始在北公园神学院任教,担任宣教教授. His other roles within the denomination include serving on numerous boards such as the World Mission advisory board, Inter-church关系, 和“有需要的邻居”以及加州的几个临时牧师, 华盛顿, 俄亥俄州, 和伊利诺斯州.